The CQMED postdoctoral program recruits 2-3 postdocs annually for research positions on academic and industrial medicinal chemistry projects. Positions cover a wide range of scientific disciplines, including structural biology, chemistry, biochemistry (enzymatic assays) and cell biology (target engagement).
Our program counts with opportunities of interaction with academia, the Brazilian Pharmaceutical Industry and the international SGC network ( Fellowships opportunities include CAPES, CNPQ, SGC, and FAPESP. Our lab at UNICAMP is complete regarding equipment and reagents needed for the latest discovery technologies in the pipeline “ from gene to chemical probe”. The team of about 25 people is composed of three principal investigators, post-docs at different levels and technicians with the scientific knowledge about the projects. It is expected that high-quality work be published in peer-reviewed journals.
The postdoctoral training at CQMED aims to prepare professionals for a variety of different technological and innovative careers.
More information about Postdoc description and available positions, click bellow